Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jesus is coming......look busy.

I saw that on a bumper sticker yesterday and the Catholic in me (who is already feeling super guilty for missing Ash Wednesday) thought "Well, there you go.... get your Lent on."  Lent.  I don't know.  I mean I remember back in the day when I gave up candy.  As if candy was flowing out of every cupboard and drawer of my childhood home.  It wasn't.  My mom kept York peppermint patties in the freezer and Doublemint gum in her purse.  She also love(s)(d) a good Hershey's bar with Almonds... but it's not like she fed us pixie sticks for breakfast and Nerds for lunch.  You are what you eat by the way.

I have many a vices.  Many.  Not quite a bucket full but I lack some self control.  I know that about myself.  I have a few things I could work on for Lent.  But then "Ash Wednesday" turned into "What the Hell, it's already Friday" and then tomorrow is gonna be "We are going to get some shit done, Sunday."

I have decided I will take a little more time to focus on what the hell it is I am doing here (as in the space I share with my family.)  I will focus on me.  Just little ol' me.  And what it is I need to do.  Should I sew something? perhaps.  Should I organize the junk drawer? most definitely.  Should I improve myself?  you betcha!

Because I dig her like a pot gut [The term "potgut" is a Utah slang name or nickname for the Uinta Ground Squirrel which is usually only recognized and used by Utah natives (possibly a popular term in Idaho and Wyoming too). However, in Utah the people will usually just call any rodent-like creature a potgut.] **    digs up a Park City backyard.  This is my song dedication to the terribly talented Kate,  this is my Lent song.

Okay friends.  check in with you later.

**  I Love me my Kate.  Cuz she's a talented writer.  I used "dig" in the literal sense when I threw out the comparision and therefore am not comparing Miss Kate to a pot gut.  She is not a rodent.  She is a wonderful loving mother, wife and all around human being.  Oy.  I should stop blogging.


  1. SHUT. UP...
    thanks... if i blush, i'm doing it now. I'm allright, maybe sort of potgutty lately...

    and oye, don't stop blogging...its the only way i get to see whats going on over in utah, man... for instance, never ever heard of potgut until THIS VERY DAY!
    rock the lent...

  2. I just had a thought... YORK PP's would be AWESOME in the freezer... I might have to try that.
    and to be known as a Pixie, is not a bad thing... I would love to hang out with Black Francis! teehee!

    I like the focus on ME! Not many of us do that.... its always on others.... This year I am doing that as well.... I always ask myself~ who is this for/who am I doing this for? and it seems to keep me in check.

    please dont stop blogging.... I would miss you!!!! bunches!


Thanks Carol@ Songberries