Sunday, September 9, 2012

All aboard the Breakfast Bandwagon or I'm bringing Breakfast Back! #Sundaymorningbreakfast

A family that cooks together stays together.  I think it's actually if you makes sure you eat together as a family everyone will be happier, healthier and in the know.  In other words, your kids are more likely to talk to you about the stuff that's going on in their lives.

Mr. Handsome and I totally agree with this.  We make it a habit of eating together as a family.  Often that puts our dinner time later than we like but it's a sacrifice we are willing to make.

Mr. Handsome and I also really like to cook and now that we are cooking in a new kitchen, we are enjoying it even more.

I have invited a new tradition into our Sunday mornings.  I make quiche.  And because Mr. Handsome, Q and Elvis are "real" men.... they eat it.  Not just eat it, DEVOUR it.  Ladycakes and I are lucky to get a slice, although Ladycakes makes eating her business.  She isn't one to get walked all over, God I love that girl!

Last night I posted a list of ingredients on my Facebook wall for voting.  Friends helped us with their choice of ingredients and also shared their ideas for #Sundaymorningbreakfast with me.  Then in the morning, we took a picture of our finished dish on Instagram and shared it via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.   SO FUN!

If you would like to join the fun, put it on your calendar for Saturday night.  Then post your ingredients, get some friends to give their input.  Join me on Instagram @hereatthehive with a picture of your breakfast and if you want to show me on Twitter @hereatthehive I would LOVE it.  Use #Sundaymorningbreakfast to label it and lets see if we can inspire others to jump on the breakfast bandwagon.

It's a great way to get some new food ideas, share the way you are hanging out with your fam and give our social media skills a little workout.

Win, Win, Win.

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Thanks Carol@ Songberries