Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ghouls, Ghosts and Gumballs

Ghouls (Mr. Handsome totally gets into it!)  Hilarious.

Ghost.  Pretty, shimmery, not too spooky ghost.  NAILED IT!  Thank you very much.  She was so happy and grinned like this the entire time.  If I run into a ghost, it better look just like this!

Gumballs.  No better way to decorate than a TON of gumballs.  Black, purple and green.  Yummy and lovely.

52 people at our home that does not hold 52 people.  Lots of costumes, fun and plenty of memories.  Thank you all for showing up and making Halloween 2010 very memorable.  It was so busy I did not take pictures of Elvis or Q or Mr. Handsome (the swamp monster 2) or myself (swamp monster 1.)  We were too busy entertaining.  That's okay.  It was awesome.

on to more serious business. by golly it's November.


  1. holy mother. 52 people in the halloween glory? holy !! way to go, brave one. . .

  2. I love the gumball table. Awesome!!


Thanks Carol@ Songberries