Remember when I threatened you with a project involving Pringles and Hot Chocolate containers? It was at the end of this post. Well here it is, clearly not a new idea but a fun one nonetheless.
The bees here at the hive do not recommend the Craver Onion Blossom flavor btw. Not to fond of those.
Here are the supplies you need. Careful with that Craft Bond, it is sticky. And the overspray is hard to get rid of. After a little measuring (Pringles cans require 10" x 15" of paper) a little gluing and patience to get the paper to stay smooth on the cylinder, here's what you get.
I am so stealing that idea in like 5 minutes. I have all the supplies WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
You know what this made me think of? There should be a "Project Runway" type show with crafty people like yourself!